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How to Integrate LearnDash with WooCommerce: A Complete Guide



How to Integrate LearnDash with WooCommerce: A Complete Guide

Are you looking to sell online courses on your website? If so, you’re probably already familiar with LearnDash, one of WordPress’s most popular learning management systems. But did you know that integrating LearnDash with WooCommerce, the top eCommerce plugin for WordPress, can make it even easier to get setup and take your online course sales to the next level?

You can easily integrate LearnDash with WooCommerce and this powerful combination can benefit you and your customers or students. Let’s get started and you’ll be generating some revenue from your course subscriptions in no time.

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What is LearnDash and Why Use it?

LearnDash is a WordPress plugin that enables educators, trainers, and business owners to quickly create and manage multiple courses. It is a popular platform for e-learning because of its flexibility and ease of use.

With LearnDash, users can create digital courses with multimedia content, quizzes, and assignments, all while tracking student progress throughout the course. The plugin also offers advanced features for making courses attractive, like drip content, course prerequisites, and gamification.

Additionally, LearnDash integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce, allowing you to sell your courses directly from your website. This makes it an excellent platform for entrepreneurs and course creators looking to grow their e-learning business and reach a wider audience. You can easily setup your courses as a WooCommerce product and manage payments through WooCommerce subscriptions.


Key features of LearnDash

Some of its key features of LearnDash include:

  1. Course builder: LearnDash offers a drag-and-drop course builder that helps users in creating and organizing course content easily.
  2. Gamification: You can add gamification features to your courses, such as badges, certificates, and points, to motivate and engage your learners.
  3. Drip-feed content: With LearnDash, you can schedule the release of your course content over time, which can help to keep your learners engaged and motivated.
  4. Advanced quizzing: You can design quizzes with a variety of question types, including multiple choice, true/false, and essay questions, and set up custom feedback and grading options.
  5. Mobile compatibility: LearnDash is mobile-friendly and responsive, making it easy for your learners to access your courses on any device.
  6. Powerful reporting: You can track your learners’ progress and performance with advanced reporting features, including learner progress reports and quiz results.

What is WooCommerce and Why Use it?

WooCommerce is a free WordPress plugin that enables you to set up an online store and sell digital and physical products. It is the most popular eCommerce platform on the web and powers over 29% of all eCommerce stores. WooCommerce is highly customizable and offers a range of features, including product management, payment gateways, shipping options, and tax management.

Some of the benefits of using WooCommerce include its flexibility, scalability, and ease of use. Additionally, WooCommerce is open-source, meaning that it is free to use and can be customized to suit your business needs.

Key Features of WooCommerce

WooCommerce is an open-source e-commerce platform designed for small to large-sized online merchants using WordPress. Some key features of WooCommerce include:

  • Flexibility: WooCommerce is highly customizable and flexible, allowing users to tailor their online store to their specific needs.
  • Easy to use: WooCommerce is user-friendly and easy to set up, making it accessible to users with little technical knowledge.
  • Wide range of extensions: WooCommerce offers a wide range of extensions to add additional functionality to your online store.
  • Secure: WooCommerce is built with security in mind, with regular security updates and options for SSL certificates and two-factor authentication.
  • Integration with WordPress: WooCommerce integrates seamlessly with WordPress, allowing users to easily manage their online store from the same platform as their website.
  • Mobile-friendly: WooCommerce is optimized for mobile devices, ensuring that your online store looks great and is easy to use on any device.

Why Integrate LearnDash with WooCommerce?

You can integrate LearnDash with WooCommerce to benefit your online course business in the following ways:

  1. Streamline user experience: By incorporating LearnDash with WooCommerce, you can provide a seamless experience for your users. They can purchase and access courses from a single platform, reducing the need for multiple logins and confusing navigation.
  2. Simplify course management: With the integration, you can easily manage your courses, payments, and user data in one place. This can save you time and effort while providing valuable insights into your business.
  3. Greater customization: The LearnDash-WooCommerce integration also allows for greater customization options. You can create custom course pages, checkout pages, and even offer coupons and promotions to your users.
  4. Secure payments: WooCommerce offers secure payment processing to protect your users’ financial information. This can increase trust in your business and encourage more sales.

Setting Up LearnDash and WooCommerce Integration

Integrating LearnDash with WooCommerce is a simple process that can be completed in a few steps. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Install and activate plugins

  1. Once you have LearnDash LMS plugin installed on your WordPress site, navigate to ‘Add-Ons’ in your LearnDash LMS WordPress Admin area.
  2. Search for the WooCommerce for LearnDash add-on.

Source: LearnDash

  1. Click on the Install button to proceed, then click the Plugin Activate button.

2. Create a new course

  1. Create a new course in LearnDash by navigating to LearnDash > Courses > Add New Course.
  2. Add the course details, including the course title, description, duration, and price.
  3. Assemble the course modules, lessons, and quizzes, and add them to the course curriculum.
  4. Publish the course and ensure that it is visible on your WordPress site.

3. Update WooCommerce Settings

To ensure that LearnDash can provide course access to the correct user when someone purchases a course through WooCommerce, it is crucial to disable guest checkout and require users to create an account.

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce settings, click on the Accounts & Privacy tab.
  2. Uncheck the box for allowing customers to place orders without an account, and check the box for allowing customers to create an account during checkout.
WooCommerce disable guest checkout

Source: LearnDash Support

  1. Save your changes.

4. Assign Your Course

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Products > Add New Product.
  2. Add the product details, including the product title, description, price, and type (select “Simple Product”).
  3. Under the Product Data section, select the “Course” tab.
  4. Click the “Related Products” option and select course you created in Step 4.
Set LearnDash course settings in a WooCommerce product
  1. Save the product and ensure that it is visible on your WordPress site.

How to enable payment gateway after LearnDash and WooCommerce integration

Enabling payment options after WooCommerce and LearnDash integration involves a few steps:

  1. Install and activate the LearnDash plugin on your WordPress site.
  2. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout, and select the payment gateways you want to use. Ensure the payment gateways you choose are compatible with your site and available in your country or region.
  3. Go to LearnDash > Settings > WooCommerce, and check the “Enable WooCommerce Integration” option.
  4. Under “Course Access Settings”, select the payment method you want to use for each course. You can choose to make a course free or set a price and select a payment gateway.
  5. Make a product in WooCommerce for each course you want to sell. Ensure the product type is set to “Simple Product” and that the price matches the price you set in LearnDash.
  6. Associate the WooCommerce product with the LearnDash course by selecting the course in the “Product Data” section of the product page.

Test your payment options to ensure that they are working properly.

Tips and tricks for integrating LearnDash with WooCommerce

Here are some tips and tricks for integrating LearnDash with WooCommerce:

  1. Make sure both plugins are up to date: Before starting the integration process, ensure that you have the latest versions of both LearnDash and WooCommerce installed.
  2. Follow the installation instructions carefully: The integration process involves installing and activating a few plugins. Be sure to follow the instructions provided by LearnDash and WooCommerce carefully to avoid any errors.
  3. Customize your course pages: With WooCommerce, you can customize your course pages by adding product descriptions, images, and pricing information. You can also bundle multiple courses into a subscription. This will help attract potential learners and make it easier for them to purchase your courses.
  4. Use secure payment gateways: WooCommerce supports a range of payment gateways, including PayPal and Stripe. Choose a secure payment gateway that suits your business needs.
  5. Test the integration thoroughly: Once the integration is complete, it’s important to test it thoroughly to ensure that everything is working as expected. Test the registration process, payment gateway, and course access to make sure that learners can easily enroll in your courses.


In conclusion, integrating LearnDash with WooCommerce can significantly benefit your e-learning platform. By streamlining the user experience, simplifying course management, and allowing for greater customization, you can take your online courses to the next level. With the step-by-step guide provided, setting up the integration should be a breeze. Just remember to configure plugins, create your course in LearnDash, add it to WooCommerce, and test the integration thoroughly before launching. By following these steps, you can ensure a seamless experience for new students and boost the success of your online courses.


What is the benefit of integrating LearnDash with WooCommerce?

Integrating LearnDash with WooCommerce allows you to sell your online courses as products in your WooCommerce store. This means you can use all the features available in WooCommerce, such as discount codes, product variations, and customer reviews, to market and sell your courses.


How do I set up LearnDash and WooCommerce integration?

To set up LearnDash and WooCommerce integration, you will need to install and activate the LearnDash WooCommerce add-on. Then, you can build a product in your WooCommerce store and assign a LearnDash course to it. Customers will get access to the course when they purchase the product.

Can I customize the appearance of my LearnDash courses in WooCommerce?

Yes, you can customize the appearance of your LearnDash courses in WooCommerce. The LearnDash WooCommerce add-on comes with several templates that you can use to display your courses on the product page. You can customize these templates or design your own using WooCommerce hooks and filters.

Stephen Oduntan is the founder and CEO of SirsteveHQ, one of the fastest growing independent web hosts in Nigeria. Stephen has been working online since 2010 and has over a decade experience in Internet Entrepreneurship.

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